Resonance Field

Drummer 古川”カルロス”日呂之 のブログ






Marc Girardotは、Neil Millerの論文を読んで、次のような記事を書く気になったそうです:

● ワクチン接種後の乳幼児の死亡は、しばしば乳幼児突然死症候群SIDS)あるいは寝たきりの窒息死と誤って分類されることがある。
● ワクチン接種後に報告されたSIDSの症例のうち、75%は7日以内に発生している。

続きを読む:ワクチンと乳幼児突然死。VAERSデータベース1990-2019の解析と医学文献のレビュー、Neil Z.Miller, Toxicology Reports, Volume 8, 2021


Marc Girardot



もし、数人の集団が、ある概念や物事に名前をつけない能力を持っていたらどうだろう?その現実は消えてしまうのだろうか?...そうでもない。もし問題の名前が実在するもの、例えばココナツに付けられたとしたら、そのココナツが存在しなくなることはないだろう。他の国の人が "noix de coco "を持ってくるかもしれない。1







HRSA データ&統計、2023年1月1日









1990年から2019年の間に、2,605人の乳児の死亡がVAERSで報告され、その78.3%がワクチン接種後1週間以内に発生しているそうです ちなみに、SmallPoxワクチンに関するEnglerらの研究3のように、59倍の心筋炎過少報告係数(保守的であろう)を用いると、30年間で153,700人近くの赤ちゃんがワクチン接種で死亡したと推定されます。この数十年間、毎年約5,120の家族が悲しんでいる。




● 健康な子供は普通、死なない。
● 子供たちの命がかかっているのです。




● 検視官が適切なラベルを使うのをやめさせ、ワクチン接種によって引き起こされた死や害の痕跡をすべて消し去る
ワクチン接種によって引き起こされた死亡に他の違法なラベルを貼る:ベッドでの窒息、絞殺の誤り、covid ...
● ギラン・バレー、自閉症SIDS、肝炎、小児心筋炎などが同じ根本原因ではないかのように、すべての副作用を断片化し、カモフラージュして、受け入れられるようにする(ウイルス、細菌、遺伝、説明不可能!)。尊大さと傲慢さ、そしておそらく腐敗の上に築かれた、非常に暗い分割統治戦略である。




コビッドワクチン接種の悲惨な後遺症を目の当たりにしているように、予防接種の事故は頻繁に起こっています。4 バーゼル大学病院のPr. バーゼル大学病院のMuëller教授は、ワクチン接種を受けたスタッフの2.8%が臨床的な心臓の問題を抱え、100%が何らかの心臓の影響を受けていることを示しました ...


● 脳は、この20年間に爆発的に増加した自閉症を説明しているようだ。


● 心臓は小児心筋炎の増加を説明する。6


● 肝臓は、夏に見たように肝炎を説明しています。


● 骨髄は、特に年齢の5歳未満の幼児に触れる急性リンパ芽球性白血病などの小児血液癌を説明しています。

ワクチンは癌の引き金になるか?免疫特権を持つ高複製性細胞へのいじりは心配の種、Marc Girardot、2023年1月21日



私たちが信じ込まされてきたことに反して、ワクチン接種は子供たちにとっても、私たちにとっても安全ではありません。ワクチン接種のプロトコルの不備が、1世紀以上にわたって病気の主な原因である可能性が高いのです。この問題は非常に重大であり、文明の危機とも言える。子供たちを大切にしない文明は、必然的に衰退していく。私たちの世代は、この怪物に立ち向かう気概を持っているのだろうか。子供たちのために、私たちがその力を見出すことを祈ります。まずはWHOのICDコードの変更を要求し、私の友人であるJohn Beaudoinが何ヶ月も求めてきたように、ワクチンのデータベースを霊安室のデータベースと結びつけることを求めましょう。

死因に名前をつけることは、亡くなった人に対する最低限の敬意である ...

ワクチン粒子はいつ、どのようにあなたを傷つけるのか?- ビジュアライゼーション・エクササイズ


● 1 フランス語で "ココナツ "の意味
● 2 成人と小児
● 3 "A Prospective Study of the Incidence of Myocarditis/Pericarditis and New Onset Cardiac Symptoms after Smallpox and Influenza Vaccination" by Renata J. M. Engler et al.
● 4 "Another One Bites The Dust" by Marc Girardot - Despite Aspiration, Experienced Nurses Hit the Vascular System in 1.9% of Injections according to a 2015 Study(吸引にもかかわらず、経験豊富な看護師は1.9%の注射を打っている
● 5 "いつ、どのようにワクチン粒子があなたを傷つけるのか?- 可視化エクササイズ」マルク・ジラルド著
● 6 「小児心筋炎。Elettra Pomiatoらによる「What Have We Learnt So Far?


Marc Girardotはコビドに関する複数の論文を発表しており、特に「自然免疫とコビッド19ワクチンによる免疫の比較」が有名である。 また、Pandemics Data & Analytics(以下、PANDA)のメンバーであり、Substackのページ「Covid Myth Buster Series」の著者でもある。


Vaccines have likely been the primary cause of illnesses for over a century

In 1979, the WHO and the CDC redesigned the International Classification of Diseases coding list and erased any possibility for the world’s coroners to label a cause of death related to vaccination. A coroner has no code to input if he/she believes someone died of a vaccine.

For over fifty years, WHO and CDC have been forcing coroners to mislabel vaccination deaths. Beyond the fact it is likely a crime, this suppression means that “informed consent” has been totally corrupt for decades.

Contrary to what we have been made to believe, vaccination is neither safe for our children, nor for us. Poor vaccination protocols have been the likely premier cause of illnesses for over a century.

Marc Girardot was inspired to write the following article after reading a paper by Neil Miller in which he noted:

Infant deaths post-vaccination is often misclassified as Sudden Infant Death Syndrome (“SIDS”) or suffocation in bed.
Of all reported SIDS cases post-vaccination, 75 % occurred within 7 days
Read more: Vaccines and sudden infant death: An analysis of the VAERS database 1990–2019 and review of the medical literature by Neil Z.Miller, Toxicology Reports, Volume 8, 2021

Mislabelling Vaccination Deaths for 50 Years

By Marc Girardot

There was a time – a long time ago – when I studied Language as a theme in philosophy.

“Putting a name on things” is critically important in our collective life. It is indispensable to understanding the world, to building our intelligence, to communicating and solving problems … and therefore more generally to surviving.

What if a group of few individuals had the ability to un-name a concept or a thing? Would that reality disappear? … Not really. If the name in question were attributed to a real thing, say a coconut, the coconut would not stop existing. An alternative name would likely be found, maybe someone from another country would bring “noix de coco.” 1

What if it were a concept, something intangible? Well, that certainly would make things more complicated, but again, clear minded people would figure out a new way to express that concept and find another name…

What if that same group of people would impose a strict NewSpeak worldwide, a novel name, a unique standard that means a radically different thing? Well, then the concept would literally disappear from the records of society, drowned into a conceptual potpourri. And the concept would become fuzzier requiring extensive resources and time to resurface. Most don’t have time to dedicate to phantomatic treasure hunts, especially to unearth a painful concept…

What if I told you this actually happened?!

In 1979, the WHO and the CDC redesigned the ICD coding list – International Classification of Diseases – and erased any possibility for the world’s coroners to label a cause of death related to vaccination! You heard me. A coroner has no code to input if he/she believes someone died of a vaccine. For over fifty years, Big Brothers WHO and CDC have been forcing coroners to mislabel vaccination deaths. Beyond the fact it is likely a crime, this suppression means that “Informed Consent” has been totally corrupt for decades.

Vaccines and sudden infant death: An analysis of the VAERS database 1990–2019 and review of the medical literature, Neil Miller
In the US alone, in the past 25 years, nearly $5 billion has been awarded to 9,946 victims 2 of vaccination, or to their families. Obviously, ten thousand people represent the tip of a much larger iceberg. Those who had the clairvoyance to acknowledge vaccination harm, who had the fortitude and resources to fight for compensation and who benefitted from the good fortune to win in court are a happy few in the tens of millions of vaccines injured, most of whom lived through their pain and health drama never knowing the vaccination was the cause of their Parkinson’s disease or their cancer.

HRSA: Data & Statistics, 1 January 2023
However there’s no question: In front of the Law, despite public health manipulations, vaccines harm exists and vaccination has been recognised as a killer in many cases, notably of babies.

Collectively, if we continue to hide vaccination harm, we will never get to understand the underlying cause of these dramas, and will never stop them.

Though I have more and more doubts on the efficacy and the very justification of many vaccines – call me anti-vaxxer! I’ll wear it as a badge of honour – what I am trying to highlight today is that if we hide reality, there’s no way people will actually find a solution to this never-ending flow of illnesses, however dramatic and sad. We can continue with this dramatic circus forever.

To be honest, I find it infuriating that some doctors dared telling me – when I was a young father – that it would be my fault if one of my toddlers would die. Seeding doubt and guilt as to whether I would have positioned the baby right in bed. I can’t imagine the guilt some parents have had to face – and still face every day – finding their little baby dead in the crib. Taking the responsibility and the guilt upon themselves when, in reality, the injection was to blame!

Data show that for decades, public health officials and doctors have been playing gods, indiscriminately injecting kids with an ever-growing arsenal of products, occasionally killing them, often harming them for life.

Prior to the 1960s, the concept of sudden infant death syndrome didn’t even exist, and was not listed in the main causes of mortality. So, between 1960 and 1980, public health had to realise immunisation was a cause for serious concern. In 1979, they chose to hide it from the public and to protect vaccine manufacturers. And so, harm has continued … as if nothing could be done to avoid vaccine adverse effects.

Vaccines and sudden infant death: An analysis of the VAERS database 1990–2019 and review of the medical literature, Neil Miller
Between 1990 and 2019, 2,605 infant deaths were reported in VAERS, 78.3% of these deaths occurring within a week of vaccination! For the record, using a 59x myocarditis under-reporting factor (likely conservative) as per the  Engler et al study 3 on SmallPox vaccines – one can estimate that nearly 153,700 babies died of vaccination over thirty years. Some 5,120 families sorrowed each year during decades.

17% of all infant deaths reported in VAERS occur the day of vaccination. And 78% within a week!

That’s no coincidence. In any other business, that synchronicity would be evidence enough, especially given:

Healthy kids don’t normally die.
The stakes are high: our kids’ lives!
The precautionary principle would invite to a review, if not an immediate complete halt.
But “No!” in public health, a scientist reporting that will be shamed and his carrier ruined for questioning the official narrative, as we have witnessed these past three years.

Public Health Authorities have managed turning ethics upside-down supposedly for the greater good.

Except if it’s truly for the greater good, why are they spending so much energy trying to:

Erase all traces of vaccination-induced death or harm by stopping coroners using the appropriate label.
Relabel vaccination-caused deaths with other illegal labels: bed suffocation, strangulation fallacies, covid …
Fragment and camouflage all adverse effects so as to make them acceptable (viral, bacterial, genetic, unexplainable!) as if Guillain-Barré, autism, SIDS, hepatitis or paediatric myocarditis hadn’t the same root cause. A very dark divide-and-conquer strategy built on hubris and arrogance, possibly corruption.
Let’s be honest, presumably to avoid vaccine hesitancy, we are causing harm to our new-borns and to our children! We are no different than Incas practicing human sacrifice. Actually, we are far worse as the numbers are staggering.

Whether it is to capture billions of dollars in revenue or to pay tribute to the vaccine god (some are religious and utterly irrational about vaccines), we have sacrificed our collective health to this lunacy, and the emotional and economic consequences of this are simply gigantic.

Imagine if we could avoid many cancers, most Parkinson and Alzheimer’s diseases, MSI, autism…and more. That’s what we are contemplating, however hard it is to believe.

As we are witnessing in the gruesome aftermath of covid vaccination, immunisation accidents occur frequently. 4 Pr. Muëller from Basel University Hospital showed 2.8% of vaccinated staff had clinical cardiac issues, and that 100% had some degree of cardiac impact …

Throughout multiple articles, I have demonstrated that inadvertent intravascular injection of vaccines is a reality, and that the mechanism of harm 5 can – and will – apply across the endothelium according to the exposure of the endothelium. And so, to SIDS, one needs to add clinical and sub-clinical damage to:

The brain likely explaining the explosion of autism this past 20 years.

The heart explaining the rise in paediatric myocarditis. 6

The liver explaining hepatitis as we saw over summer.

The bone marrow explaining children blood cancers such as Acute Lymphoblastic Leukaemia which particularly touch toddler below 5 years of age.

Are Vaccines Triggering Cancers? Tinkering with Immune Privileged Highly Replicative Cells is Cause for Concern, Marc Girardot, 21 January 2023
The pancreas with Type 1 Diabetes …
Maybe it’s time for our generation to wake up, dig into our ancestors’ self-preservation DNA and resist this man-made dystopia.

Contrary to what we have been made to believe, vaccination is neither safe for our children, nor for us. Poor vaccination protocols have been the likely premier cause of illnesses for over a century. The stakes are enormous, civilisational, I would risk. A civilisation that doesn’t care for its children inevitably will flounder. Does our generation have the grit to tackle this monster? For our children, I pray we will find the force. Let’s start by demanding a change in the WHO’s ICD codes and ask – as my friend John Beaudoin has been asking for months – that vaccine databases be tied with mortuary databases.

Putting a name on the cause of death is a minimum respect owed to our deceased …

When and How Can Vaccine Particles Hurt You? – A Visualisation Exercise,
Marc Girardot, 11 September 2022

1 French for “Coconut”
2 adults and children
3 “A Prospective Study of the Incidence of Myocarditis/Pericarditis and New Onset Cardiac Symptoms following Smallpox and Influenza Vaccination” by Renata J. M. Engler et al
4 “Another One Bites The Dust” by Marc Girardot – Despite Aspiration, Experienced Nurses Hit the Vascular System in 1.9% of Injections according to a 2015 Study
5 “When and How Can Vaccine Particles Hurt You? – A Visualisation Exercise” by Marc Girardot
6 “Pediatric Myocarditis: What Have We Learnt So Far?” by Elettra Pomiato et al
About the Author

Marc Girardot has published multiple articles on covid, most notably ‘Natural Immunity versus Covid-19 Vaccine-induced Immunity’.  He is a member of Pandemics Data & Analytics (“PANDA”) and author of a Substack page titled ‘Covid Myth Buster Series’.

Amongst his many other skills and experiences, Girardot has an MBA from INSEAD, is a CISCO veteran, a strategy consultant, and has experience working for a company producing anti-cancer DNA vaccines.